There are currently 13 jurisdictions participating in the Global CBPR Forum.
- Australia
- Canada
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Mexico
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Chinese Taipei
- United States
Dubai International Financial Centre
The United Kingdom
Membership Criteria and Application Process
Any jurisdiction may seek Membership if it meets the following criteria:
- Concurs with the principles and objectives of the Forum set forth in the Global CBPR Declaration and the Global CBPR Framework, and demonstrates alignment of its domestic legal system with the Global CBPR Framework;
- Has at least one Privacy Enforcement Authority as a participant in the Global Cooperation Arrangement for Privacy Enforcement (“Global CAPE”); and
- Either:
- Intends to make use of at least one Global CBPR Forum-recognized Accountability Agent, and submits an explanation of how the Global CBPR and/or Global PRP program requirements may be enforced in its jurisdiction; or
- In the event that the jurisdiction does not intend to make use of a Global CBPR Forum-recognized Accountability Agent: demonstrates that its domestic legal system recognizes the Global CBPR System and/or Global PRP System as a valid data transfer mechanism(s), in the event that the Applicant does not intend to make use of a Global CBPR Forum-recognized Accountability Agent.
Any jurisdiction may seek Associate status if it meets the following criteria:
- Supports the principles and objectives of the Forum provided in the Global CBPR Declaration and the Global CBPR Framework;
- Has law(s) and/or regulation(s), the enforcement of which has the effect of protecting personal information; and
- Has at least one public body that is responsible for enforcing law(s) and/or regulation(s) within the meaning of item (b) of this paragraph and has the powers to conduct investigations or pursue enforcement proceedings.
How to Apply for Membership or Associate Status
A jurisdiction interested in participating in the Global CBPR Forum should contact the Chair of the Membership Committee in writing to initiate consultations in preparation for its application.
- After consulting with the Chair of the Membership Committee, the interested jurisdiction (“Applicant”) should provide an application that includes a Letter of Intent.
Submission of Application - The letter of intent should be submitted by an appropriate governmental representative of the Jurisdiction to the Global Forum Assembly Chair.
Review of Application - Upon receipt of the application, the Membership Committee will review the application as to how the conditions for Membership or Associate status have been satisfied.
- As part of the review, the Membership Committee may undertake consultations with the Applicant to refine the application.
- Once the Membership Committee has completed its review, it will transmit a recommendation to the Global Forum Assembly for decision.
Notification - The Chair of the Global Forum Assembly will communicate the outcome of the application in writing to applicants.
Read more about the criteria and admission process for Members and Associates in the Annex of the Terms of Reference.
For questions, please reach out to the Membership Committee Chair at